Friday, July 11, 2014

Happy 4th!

I had a lot of fun last weekend visiting my PA family- to my delight almost everyone was there! Even friends I don't get to see that often and most of my NJ family too (though I very much missed my cousins Meg & Jeremy).

My Mom & Dad said I was around for the 4th of July last year- see that's me, up there on the left as a tiny one week old baby- so that's proof...but I don't remember it at all.

I was a little cranky at times but it was still such a fun weekend!

My cousin's are really cool and very brave. Even Maddox did cannon balls. I wonder if I will be brave like them...I think so.

Maddox even fed me dinner. 

Oh and did I mention more presents? I got the coolest airplane from the Lee's- I am obsessed with spinning the propeller.


AND I got pretty new outfits and a Pinocchio all the way from Italy! OH AND
I got my very own bike! 

Mommy still hasn't put it together, she TRIED but then she did not try try again like she tells me to when I get frustrated...there are a LOT of pieces!...we will have to wait until Daddy gets home to assemble it and then I'm going to RIDE baby RIDE!

The best gift of all was spending the whole weekend with my friends and family...


And I got to tell them my exciting news...

 I am getting a little sister!
Lucky lucky, we're so lucky! 

Until next time!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

It's My Party!

I love my birthday, I know I've already said that...but I really really love it and I  especially enjoyed celebrating all week long! 

On Saturday I went up for a nap and came down to a PARTY! 

Parties mean that some of my family and friends come over and we laugh and I get to open presents...

 and everyone is very happy & excited!


 Oh and then there is CAKE!

Lots of cake, including one that was just for me! Aunt Sharon made it extra special with banana, applesauce and caterpillars. Yummo!
 I offered to share...

Everyone seemed to think it was yummy.


After cake it was time to play!

I played in my new tunnel with Dalsyn!

And I played with balloons...

I even got to play with my new cousin Luke (he is 2 months old and I like him a lot)

He has ears and I'm pretty happy about that!

After some ear tugging I got to go for a ride in my  new Radio Flyer!

Dalsyn pulled Carter and I around- it was quite a fun adventure!
 I had fun and so did Carter! Don't worry, Dalsyn got a turn too!

When we came inside Krug tried to teach me how to walk...
 It was OK but I'm sticking to crawling for now. 

My party was fun, but it was hard work. After my people had left, I played in my tunnel some more...

but then I had to go to bed. I hope I remembered to thank everyone for such a special day!

I woke up on Sunday and my parents told me that my birthday week wasn't quite over! They were taking me and Maddie on a special adventure...and there would be MORE CAKE! 

 Maddie & I were delighted!

And I  was very happy to spend the day with my Daddy & Mommy...

They love me an awful lot.

And they weren't teasing...there WAS more cake!


 I ate it right up!
 I even shared with Daddy.


I waited until Mommy picked me up to give her some...right on her shirt. I'm sneaky like that!

 After our adventure to Steppingstone we headed to Grandma & Grandpa's house so I could spend some time with my cool cousin Carter...

He can swim by himself! 

I am taking swim classes now and maybe one day I will be able to swim by myself! For now I just practice going under...

 Anyway I think it's fun having my Daddy hold me!


 What a fun afternoon! 

I wish it never had to end! But I guess my birthday celebration did last like 5 whole days...
 and this weekend is the 4th of July and I get to go visit MORE family and friends in PA- so really it's like a whole new adventure right around the corner! I am really looking forward to that!

One more photo and then mom says she promises she is done. It's my monthly photo series...look how much I've grown!

Until next time!