Sunday, August 25, 2013

Celebrate good times...come on!

Weeks 7 and 8 were something! We had a lot to celebrate! Put on your comfy pants, this is going to be a long blog post!

Aunt Kathy came to visit us all the way from Oklahoma! We were so excited all summer and couldn't wait for her arrival! We don't get to see our Oklahoma family as often as we would like- and can't WAIT for Cousin Lauren to visit in October!

 Matt--better known as Harper's Daddy celebrated his 28th birthday!

We had a fun birthday dinner at Grandma and Grandpa Happick's house with the whole clan! Grandpa made some delicious burgers & Cousin Carter showed Harper some of his fun tricks.


Dad and his girls!


Friday night was girls night out!  Harper, Mommy, Wawa, Aunt Sharon, Amy and Aunt Krug took her to her 2nd concert! Harper LOVED listening to Sly45 (Mom & Dad's wedding band). Harper was excited to wear her new noise cancellation ear  muffs. Fashionable AND functional!! 

Morgan---better known as Harper's Mom celebrated her 29th birthday...

We celebrated by going to Kitty Knight House! It was extra special to return to the place we were married with Harper.


We went down to the water to see the duckies...

Harper went bounce bounce in her carrier...

 And then sat quietly as Mom and Dad enjoyed a nice lunch!

Until next time! 

Monday, August 12, 2013

6 Weeks Old!!

Harper turned 6 weeks old this week and attended her first birthday party for Cousin Carter...he turned TWO and had a fun cookie party at a swim park! 

Her favorite part of the day was snuggling with Cousin Carter after the party followed by more snuggling with Daddy when we got home. She has decided that snuggling sure is fun!

In other news, we had a bit of a turning point for Maddie and is sort of unclear how this friendship came about---but one morning while Harper was enjoying a little tummy time on her boppy, Maddie decided to join her...the rest is history. 

It's just more fun when you have a puppy to share your boppy with
Hey puppy, get back here!

Speaking of fun, Harper got to meet her mom's oldest friend little girl Ava. Ava has an exciting month coming up---in September she will turn two and will be getting a very exciting gift...a baby sister!! Ava is happy she will get to be a big sister, and kept calling Harper baby sister. Harper is excited for Ava's sister to be born too because she knows that the three of them will be very good friends, just like their Mommy's!

Harper also got to meet her Aunt Carli who came for a sleepover this weekend!

THEN, as if the week couldn't get any better, she got to meet  more family!...some Scranton cousins and some Jersey cousins and her Aunt Lynda...

Harper had been waiting her whole life to meet them!...and can't believe there are still MORE new faces to see! She sure feels lucky to have such a big amazing family!

She sure was sad to see them go! 

But Mommy and Daddy said that Aunt Kathy was coming to visit all the way from Oklahoma and this turned her frown upside down!!

Until next time!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Sleeping Beauty

  Harper loves her beauty sleep... 
and she's quite a beautiful little sleeper!



Yesterday I spent an entire hour watching her sleep! I couldn't help myself!





Working hard!








When she fell asleep on her activity mat she started trying to interlace her fingers- Harper is very interested in touch- she likes to stroke her car seat buckle, and touch the owl on her playmat and the ridges around the cap of her here she was, fast asleep, little frustrated noises coming out of her sweet little lips trying her best to interlace her fingers...



 took her about 10 minutes 













 and then she slept for an hour, like a beautiful little china doll in serious prayer.


 It was one of my favorite hours this week...

And here she is at it again tonight. She fell asleep on Daddy's chest after her bottle and so we moved her to the couch- she has been asleep for 2 hours and has not startled once! Surprising considering the thunder we are having is making ME startle! 

 Until next time!