Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day


 Harper is only 8 months old, so she clearly does not have an appropriate appreciation for St. Patrick's Day yet...but one day she will.

A few reason's why Harper's Mommy loves St. Patrick's Day: 

1. People are extra friendly
2. A lot of wonderful memories
3. Fantastic Music 
4. A general appreciation for Liam Neeson & car bombs 
5. She loves four leaf clovers
6. She also loves color photography (fun fact: color photography was invented in 1894 by an Irish chap named John Joly)

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development of radiotherapy in the treatment of cance - See more at: http://www.rds.ie/index.jsp?a=804&n=245&p=182#sthash.M0XsllEq.dpuf
development of radiotherapy in the treatment of cance - See more at: http://www.rds.ie/index.jsp?a=804&n=245&p=182#sthash.M0XsllEq.dpuf
This St. Patrick's Day Harper celebrated with kale oatmeal & a photo shoot in Uncle Justin's Notre Dame jersey! Uncle Justin loved St. Patrick's Day as much as Harper's Mommy does!

Then Mommy & Daddy ditched Harper with LS  so they could meet Amy & Dave at James Joyce. How rude!! 

Sorry sweet girl, maybe you can join us next year!

We hope all of our friends and family out there had a Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Uncle Justin, we love you and are thinking of you today, as always  

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face...

Until next time...

Friday, March 14, 2014

Life, Love & Wawa's Birthday

Harper's blog was created to update friends and family on her tiny baby accomplishments. Today's blog is a little different. 

This blog is a tiny thank you to our tiny girl, for making our life complete! *we thought today was the perfect day to do it...because it's Harper's Wawa's birthday!

We also hope it will serve as a reminder to all Harper's "fans" to spend a few moments each day being grateful for this beautiful life, reminding those you love just what they mean to you, and reflecting on all the days leading up to today...every small thing that has happened to make you the person you are!

This beautiful StoryBook people quote seems to sum it up perfectly:

For many years my mom has told me that Justin & I have made this life for her.

Mom, I finally understand...because Harper has certainly made this life for us! Happy Birthday Mom! Thank you for always being my biggest fan, for teaching Justin & I the importance of family and for all the love you show our family! We are the luckiest and we love you very much!


Until next time!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

8 Months, 4 teeth & a whole lot of waving


Our sweet pea turned 8 months on February 25th!

Month 7 was quite an adventure! Harper got 2 bottom teeth, started being more vocal (Mamama & Dadadada) She also started shaking her head No No No, and smiling and laughing a whole lot more!

 She really got into her flash cards and can point to birds and noses- she's also really into 'Nosey Nosey' where she gives Eskimo kisses.

 She continues to be our sweet happy little girl! Full of energy & lots of smiles!

Month 7 FLEW BY...it was like we blinked and Harper was 8 months old...


She got 2 new teeth this week (these on the top)!!

 Waves hello and goodbye (most of the time)

And thoroughly enjoys enjoys the happy song "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands"...

 Clapping is serious business...

Her Halloween owl from Amanda & Matt is still a play time favorite. Mommy has considered throwing it out the window a few times- the song it sings gets in your head and stays for days...


Harper met her first kitty cat while at Aunt Sharon's today. Jim, the friendly neighborhood cat came to say hello. 

Life is good.

Until Next Time