Friday, September 20, 2013

Harper goes to Sandy Pond!

Oh where oh where has Harper been and why hasn't her Mommy been blogging?!


It has been quite a month for our little Sweet Pea! September started with Harper's first trip to Sandy Pond! We stopped off in Scranton first and Harper got to meet a few more cousins then were on our way! 

 It was such a special trip and when Harper is older we will tell her all about it and all about why it was so special.  You see, her Daddy has been going there since he was a baby, her Grandpa has been going there since HE was a baby...and her GREAT Grandpa has been going there since HE was a baby.  When Harper grows up she will likely take her children there, and tell this same story. 

 It was also special because we got to spend it with Grandma & Grandpa Happick, Aunt Jess & Cousin Carter!!!

 Harper's fun cousin Carter showed her all his tricks...and even learned some new tricks of his own!...such as becoming a "snowman" in the sand!!

Harper and Carter decided that wearing matching hats is so much fun! I bet this is not the end of matchey matchey cousin clothing!

  Harper thought the beach was rad! The sound of the waves and the breeze in her hair! She even got some cool shades from Grandma!
  She enjoyed hanging on the beach with her Mommy...sharing secrets, and taking selfies! 
And on her last day of her very first vacation, she went for her FIRST dip in the Lake!!
Thank goodness Carter was there to help dunk her!
She thought everything about vacation was a lot of fun...and was very happy she got to spend a lot of time with her Daddy... fact, her favorite beach activity was napping with Daddy. She did a lot of napping, and boy was the beach a nice place to do it!

 While on vacation, Harper learned the importance of sun screen...

Cousin Carter showed Harper's Mom where the sun screen is supposed to go!

 Ice Cream! YUM! Carter would like some YELLOW ice cream please! Sorry Harper, maybe in a few years you can have some yellow ice cream of your own!

Harper and Carter are surely counting down the hours until their next trip to Sandy Pond, and hoping that next summer their Uncle's can be there to join in on the fun!

Until next time!!


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

2 Months!!

Harper turned TWO MONTHS OLD on August 25th! Her slacker Mommy apologizes for the delay in posting her big two month news, but she was busy packing for Harper's first vacation to Sandy Pond which included a super fun road trip with her Mom, Dad, Cousin Carter and Aunt overnight visit in Scranton where she got to meet some new family members and an extra special 5 days at the Pond with Mommy, Daddy, Grandma & Grandpa Happick, Aunt Jess and Carter! (Stay tuned for the next post which will include all the fun things Harper experienced on her trip)!!!

At her 2 month appointment 
our sweet pea weighed 11lb 2oz...
and was 22.5 inches tall!

SO MUCH has happened this month!  My favorite new thing Harper does is grab the sides of her hair in her little fist.  She also started smiling with her mouth open real wide and has laughed out loud a few times (which will make anyone who hears her cute little laugh, laugh out loud too)! 

Harper loves to lay in her crib and look at her dolly- she loves her flower head doll and her purple babydolly. She smiles and talks to them- most of the time they talk back!

Harper celebrated her two month birthday with her Mommy, Wawa and Aunt Krug! at Brooms Bloom!! We went to see the beautiful Sunflower fields~

Aunt Krug got stung by a bee...

she said it was worth it!

10 minutes, 1 bee sting, 100 photos and zero ice cream cones later...Harper fell asleep in Wawa's arms and stayed that way until Daddy got home from his fishing trip!

Until Next Time!